上午,根特大学Stijn Van Hulle教授作了“Modelling of water and waste treatment: practical examples”报告,Diederik Rousseau教授作了“Treatment wetlands as a sustainable way of treating wastewater and
producing biomass”报告,Frederik Ronsse教授作了“Pyrolysis of biomass for fuels, chemicals and energy”报告,天主教鲁汶大学Koenraad Muylaert教授作了“Microalgae as an emerging source of biomass: research at KU Leuven
university”报告,Boudewijn Meesschaert教授作了“Waste water as a secondary resource for water and nutrients in the
frame of a circular economy”报告。
下午浙江科技学院副校长单胜道教授作了“Requirement analysis
of key generic technologies in agriculture waste circular utilization in
Zhejiang Province”报告,郭建博教授作了“Catalytic
theory and technology of redox mediator in the biotreatment of pollutants”报告,方程冉教授作了“Antibiotics in Manure
and their Degradation during Manure Composting”报告,李音博士和李静博士分别作了“Hydrothermal
production of carbonaceous materials from waste biomass for adsorptive
separation”、“Integrated recycling use of waste biomass in
paper industry”报告。报告会由方程冉教授主持。期间,根特大学、天主教鲁汶大学专家参观了省废弃生物质循环利用与生态处理技术重点实验室和省农产品化学与生物加工技术重点实验室。