主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目多项。以第一作者在Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Geoderma、EcologicalIndicators、Journal of Soils and Sediments、土壤学报、环境科学等国内外杂志上发表。
1.Mao X L, Sun T, Zhu L J, et al. Microbial adaption to soil stoichiometric imbalances regulated the size of mineral-associated organic carbon pool under continuous organic amendments. Geoderma. 2024, 405, 116883.
2.Mao X L, SunT, Liu X, et al. Disentangle the drivers of soil organic carbon mineralization and their temperature sensitivity in both topsoil and subsoil: Implication of thermalstability and chemical composition.Ecological Indicators. 2024,158,111399.
3.Mao X L, Zheng J Y, Yu W, et al. Climate-induced shifts in composition and protection regulate temperaturesensitivity of carbon decomposition through soil profile.Soil Biology and Biochemistry.2022,172,108743.
4.Mao X L,Zwieten L V, Zhang M K, et al. Soil parent material controls organic matter stocks and retention patterns in subtropical China. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2020, 20(5): 2426-2438.
5.Mao X L, Xu X L, Lu K P, et al. Effect of 17 years of organic and inorganic fertilizer applications on soil phosphorus dynamics in a rice–wheat rotation cropping system in eastern China. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2015, 15, 1889–1899.
6.毛霞丽,邱志腾,张爽,等.不同母质发育土壤团聚体分布对外源输入秸秆的响应其与有机碳矿化的关系.环境科学. 2020, 41(06):2842-2851.
7.毛霞丽,陆扣萍,孙涛,等.长期施肥下浙江稻田不同颗粒组分有机碳的稳定特征研究.环境科学. 2015, 5(36):288-306.
8.毛霞丽,陆扣萍,何丽芝,等.长期施肥对浙江稻田土壤团聚体及其有机碳分布的影响.土壤学报. 2015, 52(4):128-138.